Changes for 2009…

Church is changing the way we staff and talk about church life! Prue and I will go to Hunter Bible Church 5pm as a fmaily but my role will now be mission and evangelism across the church….  change is always hard.  So pray for the time ahead for Hunter Bible Church.  Thanks…


Here is how we have explained it to church thus far… 


Magnification – Dave Moore

if you’re interested in helping HBC love God, rejoice in Christ and pray well… particularly at our Sunday meetings: making them work well so people can focus their hearts and minds on Christ and enjoy expressing their love and thankfulness to him.

Hear the talk…


Mission – Sam Hilton

if you’re interested in helping HBC love our neighbours, our city and God’s world by proclaiming the great news of Jesus that gives life, by living transformed lives, by supporting those already proclaiming Jesus.

Hear the talk… 


Membership – Dave Allen

if you’re interested in helping HBC love and care for everyone in our church so they feel like they belong; Embracing them into our church family; Engaging them in the life of church so they feel loved and do love each other; and Encouraging them to be committed to their brothers and sisters in this church.

Hear the talk…


Maturity – Richard Sweatman

if you’re interested in helping HBC grow to be more like Christ in knowledge, skills, character and conviction. Open to all, and especially recommended for past, present and future small group leaders, and anyone who’s ever been asked to lead a small group.

Hear the talk…


Ministry – Richard Sweatman

if you’re interested in helping HBC Locate people who haven’t yet found their way into ministry, Listen to them to find out their passions and gifts, Lay-out all of the opportunities for ministry at HBC, and Launch them into ministry.

Hear the talk…